Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm Not the Only One!

So when Dr. J first started his residency program I looked through the internet and book stores alike trying to find something that had anything to say about having a spouse who is a resident, attending, or even med student. I couldn't really find anything. So, why not share all of our experiences here? I know there are enough of you out there that have husbands, wives, S.O.'s who are in the medical field. And it's not easy to get up every day knowing that you may not see them that day or the next. Or knowing that when they work with sick people they bring home THOSE GERMS and get you and the kids sick. Or that before they have a huge test that even when they're home they're really not home, because they have to devote all of their time to studying.

I don't want to make this a whine fest or a competitive thing (i.e. "oh yeah! well, my wife worked this many hours last week!) I just kind of want to get everybody's stories and what they've done to survive the whole process.

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