Friday, June 6, 2008

Insomnia When Husband On-Call

Does anybody else get insomnia when their husband is on-call? Or, do you stay up as late as possible so that when you do fall into bed you go right to sleep so you won't lay awake in the dark hearing scary noises and thinking someone is breaking into your house? That's what I'm doing right now. I got the kids to bed, I watched a movie and folded laundry, I made a post on my other blog, I checked other people's blogs, and now I'm on to this blog, putting off the moment that I'll have to go upstairs. Of course tomorrow I'll regret it because the kids will wake up early, Dr. J will "get off at 8" but not really because he'll have to tell whoever's on-call what happened last night, then he'll ride his bike home 10 miles after being awake for 30+ hours (does that sound safe to anybody else? He might be taking the "save the environment thing" a little too far). Dr. J is Q3 right now on Neurology, and it stinks. Thank goodness 2 year starts in 3 weeks and he'll be back to a better schedule - Q10. Can't wait for that.